Earwax MD
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eosera® Ear Wax MD® – Ear Wax Removal Drops | Fast-Acting | Breaks Down & Dissolves Wax in Just 1 Treatment | Clinically Proven | Gentle & Safe | 15mL
EARWAX REMOVAL DROPS: This doctor-recommended ear cleaner dissolves earwax in as fast as 15 minutes. The gentle, dual-action formula targets oils in the ear canal and breaks up wax buildup like it's a bad date. Great for sensitive skin. Rinsing bulb not included.
EAR WAX REMOVAL: This dual-action formula breaks down earwax to help with ear irritations and buildup simply by adding a few drops to the ear canal. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse or use WAX BLASTER MD (sold separately).
EARWAX TOOLS: Earwax is a combination of sweat, dead skin, and a waxy secretion. Both our EARWAX MD solution and WAX BLASTER MD Irrigation Kit help fight the discomfort that comes with wax buildup.