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Sexy Sparkles Feather Hair Extension – 25 Loose Long Natural Rooster Feathers in Brown, Beige, and Grizzly, All Individual Feathers, Ranging From 6 to 11 Inches in Length

Quantity: 25 bulk Mix of Single Thin & Thick Long Feathers for Hair Extensions Mixed at random (6"-11") Genuine High Quality Feathers: Colors Brown, Beige & Grizzly Sexy Sparkles AWESOME NATURAL VARIETY of Feathers for hair. All feathers can be washed, curled, flat ironed, etc. Treat them as if they were human hair...feathers can last up to 6+ months dependent upon care. Very easy to install and remove - so easy you could change them daily if you choose to do so. If at any time you are unhappy with the feathers appearance, simply mist and/or flat iron your hair feathers and it will go back to its natural state.

Feather Hair Extension – Rainbow Remix, Five Genuine Rooster Feathers, All Bonded Together at the Tip, Includes 2 Silicone Micro Beads, Ranging From 6 to 12 Inches in Length

Quantity: 5 Real Feathers 6"-12" bonded together at the tip with a keratin bond to make One Extension 100% Real Rooster Feathers, 6-12" in length Includes 2 Silicone Micro beads and installation Instruction (Hook tool not included) Feather Hair Extension Can be washed, styled, flat ironed, and curled with your natural hair